in delivering the cash flow numbers.
to get the financial data.
in financial management
Treasury Management
TM is a system developed to meet the need for implementing Operating Cash Flow (OCF) structures. These products are classified as TMS (Treasury Management Systems) products.
There is a distinction between Operating Cash Flow (FCO) and Economic Cash Flow (FCE). The first (FCO) deals with managing the company’s day-to-day cash flow, cash inflows and outflows, carrying out adjustment operations, managing delays, anticipations and future inflows of capital; the second (FCE) comprises, together with the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement for the Year (DRE), the 3 fundamental financial pieces for monitoring the company’s financial health, presenting inflow and outflow operations of capital, consolidated on a monthly basis. Certainly, at the end of the month, the values presented by the FCO must be the same as those presented by the FCE.
In this way, the main objectives of the TM are identified below:
1. Reading the movements of bank accounts, retrieving from the files provided by the financial institutions with which the company transacts the available information on data inputs and outputs, all with the maximum possible automation, without the need for typing information.
2. Reconciliation of data read from banking institutions or other sources of cash movement input with the data contained in the accounting records of accounts payable and receivable entered in the companies. Any discrepancies found are presented to sanitize the information and documentation for future investigations. Example – unrecognized payments and deposits, bank fees charged without authorization, double payment, among several inquiries.
3. Preparation of the Treasury Map, presenting the inflows and outflows, the cash position of the company and the group companies in a consolidated manner, providing a daily, weekly and monthly position, in a spreadsheet and graphic form.
4. Arrears and Receivables Management (Agging List), presenting unpaid invoices and, similarly, amounts to be paid that are already in the company’s future receipts portfolio. Similarly, it presents unpaid payments and that whose payments must be renegotiated. With this information, the tool manager can analyze its cash position, make new positions in the tool and improve its possible scenarios.
5. Preparation of Scenarios, enabling managers to define different cash scenarios, always comparing them with the real positions (accomplished), increasing the ability to adjust defined scenarios or create new scenarios, all graphically or in spreadsheets.
6. Integration with Financial Institutions, allowing an automated search for possible credit or investment possibilities in financial institutions, identifying the best proposals for improving the cash situation, investment rates or debt settlement.
7. Creating reports, direct readings from various processing environments. The product has a Business Intelligence tool, which enables the user to develop various reports and analysis charts, allowing export to a Sharepoint, Powerpoint, Excel environment, among others. Another capability of the tool is the import/export from/to financial information for any ERP, through API’s (Web Services).
8. Development of Workflows (Wokflow). The tool enables the creation of processing flows, allowing from the creation of specific functions (eg, creation of functions to apply interest rates or special financing conditions) to the creation of actions if a certain action is necessary (eg, sending of emails with screens and graphics, urgent requests for approval, etc).
9. Open Technological Architecture, The product was developed to be processed in a WEB environment, using Windows or Linux operating system and Postgress database. This architecture allows the product to be implemented in a cloud architecture, being able to be accessed by browse or any mobile phone equipment.